Itsaso - Alegia circular route

Mapa: Itsaso - Alegia ruta circular


 5,9km     241m     2h

For centuries and until the 1934 road was built, two ways connected the Alegia quarter to Itsaso main. We propose rediscovering those two ways with this circular route.

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Itsaso gunean herritarrak

The starting point can be either Itsaso or Alegia. Aside from the many points of interest both quarters offer, there are others you can see along the way.

Starting from Itsaso, one of the civil monuments is the Oria Homestead, located in the nucleus.

Caserío Oria en Itsaso

The next point of interest when starting to descend towards Alegia is the mandio-zubi of Egiluzeazpi(1),

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Egiluzeazpi

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Egiluzeazpiko mandio-zubia

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Egiluzeazpi

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Egiluzeazpi

and below we will find the the lime-kiln of Epelde (2).

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Epelde

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Epelde

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Epelde

The following stops are the sulfur water spring of Urbeltza(3), and further down, the bridge(4).

Ur sulfatatuen Urbeltza izeneko sorlekua Itsason

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Epelde erreka zeharkatzeko zubia

In Alegia’s Madura we find beautiful fields and the remains of a dam and a canal that led to the mill(5).

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Alegiako madurea

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Alegiako madurea

This riverbank has maintained elements and remnants of medieval constructions in the monuments and toponymy: Jauregi, Church (former hermitage) , Gartziandegi (Hospital of pilgrims), Ostatuzahar, Miranda, Errota-Errementari, Butro, Armaindegi and pillory, Aroztegi, Agirre...

This district extends in the three directions that determine the confluence of two rivers: towards Itsaso, towards Gabiria and towards Ormaiztegi. The boundary marker of the three municipalities is located on the bridge, as such, it does not divide their neighborhood, but unites it creating the community of Alegia.

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Alegian mugarria

Itsasotik Alegiara herri bide zaharretik: Alegian mugarria

Itsasoko Ibur Hipika Kluba

Going to Itsaso from Alegia there is Iburhipika(6), Okinarri’s ponds(7), and the remarkable 16th century historic heritage of Sarriegi(8).

Itsasoko ur putzuak

Caserío Sarriegi de Itsaso

Ostatu de Itsaso